
Thursday, May 28, 2009


(thoughtful) By Madge Harrah, Daily Guideposts

One evening recently when my husband arrived home from the office, I was all set to give him an account of my day's problems. The words were right on the tip of my tongue, ready to spill out when I noticed the weary lines on his face. He must have had a real hard day, I thought.

Then I remembered a question one of my high-school friends sometimes asked me when she wanted to "put down" someone who was talking on and on about his or her troubles: "Are you bragging or complaining?"

It struck me then and there that a recital of my day's woes would indeed be both bragging and complaining. It would be a deliberate effort on my part to get my husband's undivided attention and to engender his sympathy.

Quickly I pushed the words of complaint way in the back of my mind,gave my husband a kiss and hurried off to finish preparing supper. His look of love and gratitude, when we sat down at the table with the children for the evening blessing, more than made up for any satisfaction I might have felt in unloading my problems on him and presenting myself in the role of brave martyr. Shared by Joe Gatuslao


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