Horse walks into a bar, orders a beer, sits down at one of the tables, and starts reading his paper. The bartender is a bit shocked by all this, but pours the beer, and brings it over to the horse, who proffers a ten dollar bill for it.
Now the barman figures the horse isn't that bright, so he decides to pull the old 'short-change' trick on him. He duly goes back to the horse with 1 dollar. The horse doesn't say a word.
The horse eventually finishes his beer and goes up to the bar to order another. Says the bartender to him, "Y'know, we don't get many horses in here."
To which the horse replies, "At nine dollars a beer, I'm not surprised!"
- Jill: I just don't understand the attraction golf holds for men.
- Mary: TELL me about it! I went golfing with my ex one time, and he told me I asked too many questions!
- Jill: Well, I'm sure you were just trying to understand the game. What questions did you ask?
- Mary: I thought I asked legitimate questions.. like, "Why did you hit the ball into that lake?"
Helen and Amanda were discussing their busy schedules.
- Helen said, "Amanda, I must ask you something. Every day I feel incredibly run down and tired. And yet, I see you looking as fresh as a rose. I have to know: what's your secret?"
- "My secret? Every morning, without fail, I wake up at six o'clock sharp."
- "You wake up at six o'clock?"
- "Yes, and then I look at the clock, see what time it is, and go back to sleep for another four hours."
You will see a lot of thing but they will mean nothing to you If you lose sight of the thing you love
Seekor kuda berjalan masuk ke sebuah bar, duduk di salah satu meja dan mulai membaca korannya. Bartender di bar tersebut sedikit kaget dengan hal ini, tetapi dia menuangkan bir dan membawanya kepada si kuda, yang mengulurkan uang sepuluh dollar untuk bir tsb.
Melihat itu, sang bartender berpikir bahwa si kuda tidak terlalu pintar, jadi dia memutuskan untuk mengakali sang kuda dengan uang kembaliannya. Dia kembali ke sang kuda dengan uang satu dollar. Sang kuda tidak berkata apa2.
Akhirnya sang kuda menghabiskan birnya dan pergi ke meja bar untuk memesan bir lagi.
Bartender itu berkata kepadanya, "Anda tahu nggak, kami jarang mendapat tamu kuda di sini" Yang dibalas oleh sang kuda, "Sembilan dollar untuk segelas bir, saya tidak heran!"
- Jill : Saya tidak mengerti apa sih daya tarik golf bagi kaum pria
- Mary : jangan bilang deh! Suatu kali, saya pergi bermain golf dengan ex pacar saya, dan dia berkata bahwa saya terlalu banyak bertanya!
- Jill : Ya.., saya yakin kamu hanya mencoba untuk mengerti permainan tsb
- Mary : Saya pikir saya bertanya mengenai hal yang wajar/sah..seperti, "Kenapa kamu memukul bola itu ke danau?"
Helen dan amanda sedang berbincang mengenai kegiatan mereka yang padat.
- Helen berkata, "Amanda, saya ingin menanyakan satu hal. Setiap hari saya merasa luar biasa capek. Dan saya melihat kamu terlihat sesegar mawar saja. Saya harus tahu : Apa sih rahasiamu?"
- "Rahasiaku? setiap pagi, tidak pernah meleset, saya bangun tepat pukul 6 pagi."
- "Kamu bangun jam enam pagi?"
- "Ya, dan kemudian saya melongok ke jam, melihat sudah pukul berapa, dan kemudian tidur lagi selama 4 jam"
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