Conquer your nagging inner voice of self-doubt!
by Jennifer Good
Okay, so the idea of approaching someone for a date absolutely terrifies you. Or, maybe you're so nervous about revealing too much about yourself that you can't get past anything other than, "Do you come here often?" If this rings true, then it's time to conquer that inner voice inside of you and become the dating guru you know you were meant to be.
First, you need to realize that you're not alone. Your fears are the same fears just about everyone else in the room also has. One person may be worrying about their weight, the other about their height. Everyone has his or her insecurities. Once you truly realize this, the playing field becomes much easier to approach.
The next time you're out in a public situation,try to figure out each person's hidden insecurity. If you watch closely you'll begin to read more about people than just their insecurities.You're more in control of how people view you than you think.
Take a good look in the mirror. What do you see? How is your posture? Your smile? Your clothing? Could you use a mini-makeover? Taking time for personal enhancement is a very self-rewarding gesture. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "If you look good, you feel good." Guess what? It's true!
Make it a point to consciously think about the way you are standing, if you are smiling and the effort you've put into your appearance. Pretty soon it will become natural way of thinking.Actions can drown out your nagging voice of self-doubt.
When was the last time you did something that terrified you? Shake things up a bit. Try something new at least once a week. The more you're able to successfully navigate the world around you the more your self-confidence will increase.
In addition, if you're busy doing things and being a part of the world around you'll have less time to worry about self-doubt
Are you prepared? You can quickly lose self-confidence and end up trying to anticipate defensive maneuvers by being caught unprepared for certain situations. Be on the offense instead. Lose that nagging voice inside and go ahead and try your hand at small talk.
It may feel very uncomfortable at first, but hey, riding a bike the first time wasn't a piece of cake either!
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation,
because your character is what you really are,
while your reputation is merely what others think you are
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