
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Before starting Breast cancer treatment

Treatment choices depend upon many things, including the type of breast cancer you have, whether it has spread, your age, your menopausal status, and your general health. Your doctor will discuss treatment plans to fit your individual needs.

Planning Treatment
Before starting treatment, you might want a second doctor to review your diagnosis and treatment plan. A short delay will not reduce the chances that your treatment will be successful. To get a second opinion, your doctor can discuss your case with other doctors who treat breast cancer or can refer you to another physician who is knowledgeable about breast cancer treatment.

Breast cancer may be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy, or a combination of the four treatments, depending upon your needs. In some cases, you may be referred to other doctors who specialize in different kinds of cancer treatment. New and old forms of breast cancer treatment are continually being tested, evaluated and improved through clinical trials. If your breast cancer has just been diagnosed, you may want to ask your physician(s) if participation in a clinical trial would be appropriate for you.

you might want a second doctor to review your diagnosis and treatment plan.
A short delay will not reduce the chances that your treatment will be successful. To get a second opinion, your doctor can discuss your case with other doctors who treat breast cancer or can refer you to another physician who is knowledgeable

about breast cancer treatment INTRODUCTION
Each year, more than 5,000 women in Michigan discover they have breast cancer.
In fact, one out of every 10 women will develop breast cancer at some time in her life. After initial treatment, most of these women are able to continue living normal, productive lives. This booklet will help you better understand breast cancer.

Although breast cancer occurs in men, it is very uncommon, so the information contained in this booklet is directed primarily toward women. It may, however,be of some use to men who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. 'Throughout this booklet, words that may be new to readers are in italics. Definitions of these and other terms related to breast cancer begin on page 28. A brief description and diagram of your breasts is provided before beginning the discussion of the treatment of breast cancer.
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