
Thursday, April 2, 2009


Harmony means balance between all the levels of our being: Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, Mental. Harmony can't exist, and therefore our energy doesn't flow smoothly when we are off balance in one or more areas.

Harmony comes with acceptance and learning to release a "need to control" external conditions, other people,etc. We have to learn that others are at the place of growth and experience that they need to be, and our path is unique. Resist the urge to be angry with others who may not be as "awake" as you are presently. Remember we all sleep and we all awaken in our own time. It is common to want to "fix" people or to feel we can love them into changing etc, this is not healthy and it causes imbalance for both parties. Be supportive without being inflictive.

Harmony in music speaks of a blending of different tones to make a song.

You are a note in the Universal Song, be sure you bring forth your true "tone" by being true to yourself and not trying to conform to what others think you should be etc.

Remember to do your best to blend in and harmonize with the other tones around you without compromising your Self and without infringing on the place of others.

Today's Exercise:
Focus on harmonious conditions.

What can you do in your present environment/circumstances to improve the energy and flow? Sometimes the simple act of changing things around in a room, or going for a walk can help restore the positive flow of energy in our physical environment. In relationships, try open and honest communication, or ask another to share their feelings and really, really listen.

Think of more small things you can do to promote peace in your life today.

Record these activities and their effects in your journaling.

Indo community


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