
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Opening the Door of Possibilities"

(relationship) By Susie and Otto Collins

It always makes for an interesting experience when a bat gets in our house and starts flying around. This week we had another one get in. It's not an uncommon experience when you live in a 130 year old house near the woods like we do. It's part of the trade off for living in an older home with a lot of character.

When we first got together in our relationship and a bat would decide to make its appearance in the house,we would haul out the "bat tools" (which consisted of a tennis racquet and a shoe box) to try to get rid of it.

Back then, the bat extraction always involved a lot of drama. Now when a bat gets lost in our house, we adopt a more humane and painless way of helping the bat find its way out. We turn on the outside light and open the door. Usually, in just a few minutes the bat realizes that the door is open and it flies out.

We feel that applying this same change of attitude and approach to getting a bat out of our house can also apply to getting more love into your relationships and your life. Most people don't truly open their hearts to the people in their lives. They will let them in just so far before they put up defenses and walls.

When a bat gets in our house, it still isn't one of our favorite experiences. But, rather than have all the drama going on--we'd rather have more ease and flow. So, we changed they way we get the bat out of our house to be more in alignment with how we want our lives to be.

This should be the same way in your relationships. The goal should be less or no drama and more ease and flow. Very often people in a relationship would just as soon keep doing the things that keep the drama going in their relationships rather than than to find a way to create more ease and flow.

One woman we know is trying to do it differently and open her heart to the possibilities of having the type of relationship that she has wanted but has somehow eluded her. She is starting a new relationship without expectations and is just focusing on being real, authentic and being true to herself.

She's not playing any of the roles she's played in the past as she enters this relationship. There is a different feeling within her about this relationship because of it. She is letting go of some of her "rules" for how a partner "should" be and how relationships have been in the past for her. She is just allowing herself to open to the possibility of something wonderful happening.

One of the biggest reasons that people don't have great relationships is that they don't believe it's possible—that it happens to someone else and not them. Just like the lottery --it happens to someone else and not them.

We're here to tell you that "big" love is possible and you can have it. If you want to create outstanding relationships, spend your time wondering about possibilities instead of focusing on what you don't have and have never had in your life. That's what we did before we came together.

We both focused on the possibilities of having the love we've always wanted. And that's what we continue to do in our lives. We know what we want--a deep, passionate, connected relationship. When we feel disconnected and distant from each other, we've developed a strategy for re-establishing our connection.

To reconnect, we simply spend 10 or 15 minutes looking deeply into each other's eyes. When we do that, we connect on the soul level and things begin to flow once more between us.

Instead of allowing ourselves to be shut down and disconnected, we are focusing on the possibilities of opening to the connection between us once more. So this week, no matter what is going on in your life and in your relationships, we suggest that you open to possibilities instead of shutting down in the face of fear. It isn't always easy to do in the moment but the rewards are enormous.

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation,
because your character is what you really are,
while your reputation is merely what others think you are


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