Love is like a box of Crayola® crayons created by God.
Before, you are the blank pages that are drawn through a lifetime of commitment and caring.
Although my generation had set the pace for coloring outside the lines,my advice to you both in marriage, always color within the lines. Don't look at them as barriers or roadblocks that limit,
but guidelines to keep your love strong. You have seen the results of a generation without guidelines.
Be creative.
Use your own colors. Roses aren't always red and sunsets are never the same. Marriage too, should be like sharing a coloring book. Decide together what page to work on and then share. Perhaps one is better at coloring the sky and the other the grass and flowers. Never criticize the other's work.. If you both desire to use the same crayon, choose a different shade or wait until the other is finished.
Compromise and patience is the backbone of a strong marriage. It is important at times for both of you to have your own page to color. A strong couple stands together but each casts their own shadow. In coloring, this is accomplished by first agreeing on two connected pages and sitting close together.
Keep the crayons sharpened.
The joy of love and marriage is in the details. At times when you are challenged by life or disagreements pull out the coloring book and sit at your kitchen table and draw. No words need to be spoken. The peace and joy that come from creating beauty will not permit the ugliness of anger to exist.
Always be thankful to the God of all colors.
He created you both in love and graciously brought you together.
Always clean up afterwards.
Marriage, like a crayon box, has a place for everything.
You will discover that when one is missing the whole box seems incomplete.
Author: Robert C. Perks
Fatin Shidqia Lubis - Aku Memilih Setia
11 years ago
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